LocalGlobe VC

Investments in the UK by market, targeted sectors and preferred funding rounds

Name - LocalGlobe
Description - Seeding ambitious founders at places like @citymapper, @improbableio,@teamkano, @moo, @songkick,@seedcamp, @transferwise and @zoopla since 1999. Who's next?
Investor Type - VC
Preferred rounds - Seed
Location - London, UK

Investments by industry

healthtech - 9%
farming - 9%
video - 9%
B2B software - 9%
fintech - 18%
freighttech - 9%
data - 18%
hrtech - 9%
AI - 9%

Number of investments: 11

LocalGlobe invested in accuRx during a round worth £27,500,000 - 9/15/2021
LocalGlobe invested in Wefarm during a round worth $11,000,000 - 3/12/2021
LocalGlobe invested in Papercup during a round worth £8,000,000 - 12/10/2020
LocalGlobe invested in ThoughtRiver during a round worth $10,000,000 - 9/8/2020
LocalGlobe invested in Radix DLT during a round worth $4,100,000 - 7/9/2020
LocalGlobe invested in 7bridges during a round worth $3,400,000 - 6/25/2020
LocalGlobe invested in Axiom during a round worth $7,000,000 - 6/10/2020
LocalGlobe invested in Count during a round worth $2,500,000 - 4/21/2020
LocalGlobe invested in Yapily during a round worth $13,000,000 - 4/7/2020
LocalGlobe invested in Otta during a round worth £850,000 - 12/9/2019
LocalGlobe invested in Rossum during a round worth £6,500,000 - 11/28/2019